Mesta Payments LLC and Mesta Payments US LLC are Limited Liability Companies (LLC) registered with the State of Delaware, United States of America and are subsidiaries of parent company FORTULL INC, a corporation registered in the State of Delaware, United States of America.
Mesta Payments LLC is Fincen registered money services business with a MSB registration number 31000264796048 in the State of Montana.
Mesta Payments EU with its registered seat in Warszawa, Poland, is a legal entity incorporated by law of Republic of Poland and entered into Commercial Register under KRS number: 0001084283 is a subsidiary of FORTULL INC, a corporation registered in the State of Delaware, United States of America.
Collectively, all of the foregoing are referred to below as “The Mesta Group”. Services provided by any member of The Mesta Group are provided by the particular subsidiary (i.e. Mesta Payments US LLC, Mesta Payments LLC, Mesta Payments EU as the case may be) and not by Mesta itself. Mesta Payments US LLC, Mesta Payments LLC and Mesta Payments EU are NOT banks. In order to facilitate the services, the particular subsidiary of The Mesta Group enters into contractual arrangements with partner banks. Except where required by law, Customer assets held by, or transmitted through, partner banks are not the responsibility of The Mesta Group and The Mesta Group makes no assurances or representations with respect to any such partner bank, custodian or exchange. No member of The Mesta Group will be liable for any direct or indirect losses or damages realized by customers for any reason where such loss or damage is caused, directly or indirectly, by a partner bank.
All claims of cost and speed are as compared to other payment providers in the market today. These predictions are based on average transaction times and costs across all the major currencies and countries. While the actual speed and cost may vary, we will certainly be cheaper, faster and more efficient than anyone else in the market currently.
©2024 by Mesta